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National library and Archives of I.R. Iran , najafgholinezhad@gmail.com
Abstract:   (23 Views)
purpose: The purpose of this research is to know the Usability of the management system of public libraries from the perspective of visually impaired users.
Methodology: The research was applied with a formal Usability testing. Through exploratory observation of users (think aloud protocol) with the definition of real tasks (3 tasks), the usability of the system was evaluated with a qualitative method. 10 users were selected from different provinces of the country by purposeful sampling method. Task completion was monitored with screen recording software. Excel software was used to analyze the experimental data, and content analysis and Maxqda software were used to analyze the verbal data. Guba and Lincoln criteria (credibility, dependability, confirmability and transferability) were used for the robustness and accuracy of the data.
Findings: Each user spent an average amount of time on resource location (about 9.30 minutes), electronic membership request (more than 11) and sending questions to the librarian (about 7). Most of the time was devoted to searching for sources. Few users were able to navigate the system without assistance, and some users were unsuccessful in completing their tasks. Despite the facilitator's instructions in performing the tasks, 60% of the users said that performing the task 1 and task 3 was difficult and very difficult. In the case of task 2, this difficulty increased to 90%. 90% of users have evaluated the ease of use of the system as unfavorable. With the current conditions of the system, some skilled users used several methods to advance the task and their performance was satisfactory. However, more than half of them were dissatisfied with the time spent on the task. Important barriers were counted with a total of 177 codes in 5 categories of logical structure, search and information retrieval, user-oriented approach, interface compatibility and solutions suggested by users. The most frequent code is dedicated to the accessibility of comboboxes or drop-down menus. Paying attention to basic design, keyboard accessibility, logical headings, search complexity, system messages, conveying information with senses, labeling elements and providing alternative text (Alt) for graphic elements, user independence, security codes (CAPTCHA), recognizing the purpose of links, language of user interface are in the next ranks.
Originality/value: Usability is the basic condition for the continued functioning of websites. If a website is not easy to use, users will leave it easily. Inclusive libraries and websites focus on a diversity of stakeholders. Involving real end users is a critical aspect of user-centered design. Very little qualitative research has investigated the perceptions and experiences of accessing library website content by visual impaired users. This shows the need to constantly review their expectations. Still, the needs of visually impaired users are not well understood by designers of information retrieval systems or have not been considered as they should be. Research based on user experience is an effective tool in serving users and performing library missions, and it provides the possibility of tracking usability problems of websites.
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Type of Study: qualitative | Subject: Management and Evaluation of Libraries
Received: 2023/11/13 | Accepted: 2024/04/27

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